Sunday, January 31, 2010

Peter Carey

In The Sunday Times I interview Peter Carey in New York.


  1. It's a pity he didn't come out of your piece a bit better as I do really enjoy his books, esp Oscar and Lucinda and Ned Kelly.

  2. Alas, his political/cultural witterings were about on a par with Michael Moore's.

  3. I've honestly never been able to finish one of them. The closest I got to the final page was Jack Maggs . . . . but then I found more interesting things to read.

  4. These days, it seems, the biggest snobs all seem to be left-leaning.

  5. I did like Oscar and Lucinda. But politics dear? i watched Peter Gabriel on the one show this evening. Clever human rights sort of guy right? Frade not. He was rubbish and said something along the lines of everybody needs to be on a DNA register.
