Should you happen to see an aged and anxious casualty of the sixties buzzing round Central London in what appears to be a blue version of Postman Pat's van, it will be me. I have been loaned a g-wiz electric car for the day and I am balancing my green credentials against my need for speed and my self-consciousness in the face of strange looks from other road users. So far, greenery is winning. The car makes me feel strangely light-headed and defiant, though cold as turning on the heater takes 10 miles off the range.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Sightings of Worried Man in Blue Car
Should you happen to see an aged and anxious casualty of the sixties buzzing round Central London in what appears to be a blue version of Postman Pat's van, it will be me. I have been loaned a g-wiz electric car for the day and I am balancing my green credentials against my need for speed and my self-consciousness in the face of strange looks from other road users. So far, greenery is winning. The car makes me feel strangely light-headed and defiant, though cold as turning on the heater takes 10 miles off the range.
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Homer: Oh, you know what Arthur Fortune did lately? He donated two male pandas to the zoo and got them to mate, successfully!
ReplyDeleteMr. Burns: And a stunt like that impresses people?
Homer: Oh, yeah. And I'm not easily impressed. (looking out window) WOW, a blue car!
Brilliant, Gordon.
ReplyDeleteI hope you didn't cause that large dent that appears to be in the side, Bryan.
ReplyDeleteTrick of the light, Chippy
ReplyDeleteIs that your defiant look? You need to work on it.
ReplyDeleteNo, Neil, cold.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you could look more uncomfortable if you tried.
ReplyDeleteNo sale.
My wife, Johnny, was ordering me into that odd pose.
ReplyDeleteWonderful photo! I don't know why, and apologies for linking to my own site, but it reminds me of something I posted a while ago. I just don’t know which car looks the sexiest.
ReplyDeleteYou could pedal that thing!
ReplyDeleteHow does the window work? It looks like it retracts backwards, rather than down into the door frame.
ReplyDeleteThe great thing about this is the person holding the joystick can make you do anything they want!
ReplyDeleteThese green cars are brilliant. They are powered entirely by the owner's sense of self-satisfaction.
ReplyDelete(Oh how I miss The Simpsons now that Virgin have cocked up the deal with Sky. The Simpsons is to TV comedy as the Beatles are to 60s pop music: so much better than everything else they don't count.)
And here's the house to go with it.
ReplyDeleteIf you wind the wheels up sufficiently before jumping in, it can do a loop-the-loop!
ReplyDeleteI have to admit I'd very happily never see another moment of The Simpsons again in this lifetime. Enough is enough is enough.
ReplyDeleteThe windows slide horizontally, Gordon, like the original Minis. And thanks for dropping by, Woody.
ReplyDeleteGood to be here, Bryan. I must find yo a part in my new film about chattering well-to-do New Yorkers who talk about themselves alot, all held together by the hilarious but infinitely self-obsessed character who some people might see as me. However this 'me' character is played by Jean Claude Van Damme.
ReplyDeleteHa! I remember the TVR & other such cars . . .
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