Friday, December 29, 2006

Possible Hiatus

Until January 7th there may be a hiatus in my postings. Or there may not. Online opportunities in the immediate future are unclear. Do, however, stick around and comment. I shall moderate and post at every possible opportunity. If I fail, have a good one and may your God, as Dave Allen used to say, go with you.


  1. An interregnum in the Appleyard blog? Surely not?

    I shall have to see if my own blog can supply the needs of all the infonography addicts out there during this short period of outage.

  2. This post is quite mysterious Bryan. So I'll leave you with this thought: keep out of the black and in the red - there's nothing in this game for two in a bed. Who do you fancy for the Embassy?

  3. Startlingly idle of you, Bryan. I shall be online.

  4. Are you sure you're not simply writing out a horoscope you picked up somewhere, Bryan?

    "Until January 7th there may be a hiatus in my(substitute "your") postings. Or there may not. Online opportunities in the immediate future are unclear."

  5. you'll be missed. is there a locale so exotic it lacks an internet connection? or is your wife banning blogging during a holiday?

    whichever, hope you have a good time!

  6. And may your God go with you too (just in case you're going to do something exciting and dangerous).

  7. Fuller beat me to it.

    Nonetheless, hope al is well in the world of Mr. Appelyard. What does a celebrated writer such as yourself suggest it the most suitable way of seeing in the new year?
