Friday, February 02, 2007

Global Warming: Another C4 Cock-Up?

I have been trying to think of something new to say about the climate change story and failing. But now Great Gordon has, as so often in the past, come to the rescue. Plants, it seems, may be as bad for us as Chinese coal-fired power stations. Also it's spring - again - in London. What is going on? Who is doing this? It can't be John Prescott, he can screw up the traffic but not the planet. Donald Rumsfeld is, presumably, dangerously underemployed. But I think it's the Russians. Though, on reflection, it could be the board of Channel 4, who, in their infinite wisdom and from the yawning heights of their excellent educations, have decided to postpone Wank Week. All is not yet lost.


  1. So they've pulled Wank Week. It's not hard to see why. They had it coming. Although I think they've taken the soft option. Playing with their own schedules like that suggests they are becoming blind to what the viewers really want.

  2. Well with the US paying the Rusians billions to dispose of their nuclear waste, I'm feeling particularly safe anyway. Who'd have thought it? A heartwarming story of the new global post-Cold War friends. Thank God, former communist hardliners like Putin have gone. This might perhaps be a little tenuous in its relation to the thread, but it probably could be fitted in under Political Climate Change Story, and related issues. And just in case, the idea of US(good/evil..tick where appropriate) paying Russia(evil/good...tick where appropriate) to take its nuclear waste and to safely keep away from its enemies who might otherwise use it for nefarious ends, doesn't for one moment suggest that the version of reality and history we're sold is a crock of horse manure.
    So anyway, the moral is the environment is in safe hands.
