Friday, February 23, 2007

How to Spell Definitely

You probably didn't know this but there is a web site solely devoted to telling us how to spell definitely.


  1. Surely, without doubt, unquestionably, incontrovertibly the most gratuitously specialised and utterly useless site ever. Yes, definately!

  2. I know 'separate' because it has 'a rat' in it.

    The one that always embrarrasses me is 'embarrassmmennt' - I can never remember how many doubles it has.

  3. Embarrassment not something you experience very often, Brit, I would have thought.

  4. What a total no no in the time-spending department of how you spend it which is up to you.

  5. Alas, I strive for shamelessness but always fall short.

    Unembarrassableness looks like this.

  6. Neil Forsyth- have you not seen David Milliband's blog? Now THAT is definately the most utterly useless site ever.

    Could do with a site on the differance between acrostics and anagrams too.

    Hey ho.

  7. No, I didn't know about the web-site. Did you know about the star-nosed mole? Not many people do, it seems.
