Thursday, January 31, 2008

Zeros, Heroes

So, Edwards (subject of a very funny podcast on The Onion) drops out of the Democratic race, so that - get this - 'history can blaze its path'. Decent of him to stand aside for that blazing history. Giuliani, inevitably, pulls out and backs McCain, uttering the words 'America could use heroes in the White House'. Could it? What for - apart from zapping incoming alien invaders? Being a war hero is no quaification for office - is it?


  1. I suppose it becomes one when the incumbent is a war criminal.

  2. Well, if you want to head the nation with the biggest hard-on for war it will probably help.

  3. A war hero, you mean like Michael Corleone?

  4. Well, NOT being a war hero has certainly been a bad thing this last 8 years.

  5. LOL, Susan. LOL! Nige, no it is not a real qualification for office. It can reveal something about the character of the individual, though, don't you think? And character, or lack of it, is an important factor in job performance for even minor jobs. At least that has been my experience in life. (I'm not arguing the specific here, i.e., McCain, but the general idea.)
