Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Back in the USA

I am going back to America early tomorrow morning to buy some more cowboy boots and fit in a little light journalism on the side. Blogging may or may not be intermittent.


  1. Who's watering the plants in Norfolk while you're away? Our tour of English hedgerows should arrive the Norfolk coast in about a week. Just leave the keys under the mat and we'll see to everything.

  2. Had you considered standing for President at all? I would be happy to run your campaign ...

  3. As Randy prepares to move east, the great bald(ing) eagle soars westward in search of thermals and.....leather? Must be preparing for Winter

  4. new boots and pants, eh? reasons to be cheerful.

  5. Why are the Village People pissing in the corner of that nice eagle painting? I thought that kind of thing was banned in Americaland.

  6. Who ARE those guys in the corner. And the eagle reminds me of the now over-the-top American passport. The new ones have an eagle, waving wheat, scenes from the American Revolution. Good golly, Miss Molly, everything but flaming World Trade Center towers.

    Bryan, Frank and I both think you should stop in Philly, but it seems you have business in the west. Someday you'll get here and we'll show you a real American city with lots of authentic, ethnic, tasty culture.
