Sunday, June 15, 2008

Richard & Judy's Books.

In The Sunday Times I write about the book club of Britain's two-headed Oprah.


  1. Are you sure I used the word "shebang "? Doesn't sound like me at all...

  2. You did, I have a recording. Great quote about Toynbee incidentally, thanks.

  3. I know. I’m sometimes surprised by my own eloquence. It would normally take me a morning to write a line like that for my blog.

    You left you pen, by the way.

  4. I can't wait to not touch these with a bargepole.

  5. Hey Richard, i'm reading one of your bookclub faves now - The Shadow of the Wind, by some Spanish bloke. It arrived via Abebooks with your sticker on the front - imagine my horror, and mirth. The book has a few cliches but so far - about 100 pages in - is quite engaging and lively.
