Friday, July 25, 2008

Bryan News

The Master, silent upon a peak in Corfu, has taken to gazing longingly across the straits to Albania, which, he says, 'looks nice'. God knows I've warned him, but if this Hiatus doesn't end, chances are it'll be because he crossed those straits and ended up as a doner kebab, rotating on a vertical spit in an Albanian back-street eaterie. On the other hand, I think he might be back among us quite soon...


  1. He would never make it across. Did the gaze a few years ago myself, and it looks...mysterious and romantic. Try to cross, as a couple did in a boat, and the lads who are breast-fed until into their teens and beyond will be out in the gunboat before you can whisper Zog

  2. Uh-oh, it looks like we may be in for a few posts on his new Albanian boots.

  3. Thanks for the update, Nige. I've been wondering when I should expect my postcard.

  4. Like the Keats ref. Danke, Nige. Mahlerman, you are too funny. Hope Cap'n B doesn't see!

  5. I wonder what manner of herb he has been smoking on this bender.. I mean, adventure.

  6. Susan, I did see. A fate worse than death narrowly averted.....

  7. Stiffers quiet as a gravura in absentia the old fellow, but the Amos 'n' Andy still doing big business in skinny lattes and butch ristrettos. Roll on the August Bank Holiday and the Brypat bookstall. Crete for the Cretins!
