Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Hiatus

I shall probably not be posting for one week. Argue quietly but rancorously among yourselves.


  1. Okay, who thinks Patton should have been allowed to engineer a war with the Russians in Berlin in '45 to get the Cold War over and done with there & then?

    Think, we could have dropped The Bomb on the Russians, wiped most of them out, hell, wiped all of them out, and we wouldn't now be worrying about Russia's control of oil. We could also have populated Russia with ex-convicts, ne'er-do-wells, card sharps, and gentlemen rakes, and then formed an army from their sons to invade China.

    Is it too late to do this now? Who's with me?

  2. Furthermore, can not we reasonably expect to solve the UK's stabbing epidemic by putting all young 'uns and no-good-boyos in creased white cricket gear and teaching them the manly game, with brutal cat o' nine tail whippings to encourage team spirit and stiff upper lip?

    i say take the young gangsters of Moss Side and Longsight, show them cricket, feed them Earl Grey and Battenberg Cake, and they will reform themselves and prove a credit to the land that twice defeated the dastardly Hun.

  3. Would you like me to step imto the breach? I am very knowledgable you know... especially on the history of trams. Would you like a guest post on trams?

  4. ... by the way if there is free battenberg cake can I come? See I did to comments as well...

  5. Have a great hiatus, Bryan. Wear sunblock. Enjoy some food for a change.

  6. Shall we move the furniture around before he gets back? Elberry - when exactly were you planning to invade Russia? I'm ok through to the middle of next week but then I've booked two nights B and B in Llnadudno for t'wife and kids.

  7. Oh, and I'm with Elberry re Patton.

  8. i'm afraid Llandudno will be a military staging post in my war, George, so your holiday will be disrupted either way, best cancel it and join me and Patton on the Eastern Front (bring some gloves and a hat). At least when people ask how your holiday went you won't have to say, with a heavy sigh, "Well, I shovelled sh*t in Llandudno."

  9. whoever wins in Nov needs to engineer the break up of fannie and freddie? also the BT couple need to call it a day, she is just playing the toyboy older women thing...its time to call it a say

  10. I just had a call from the Observer comment editor saying,
    'Why don't you go and see Man on a Wire and write about it?'
    'Why, would I want to do that, oh wise one?'
    'Because Bryan Appleyard wrote about it last week.'
    'Can't, shan't, won't. You don't know Appleyard. He will be insufferable if he sees me chasing his stories.'

  11. I just had a call from the Observer comment editor saying,
    'Why don't you go and see Man on a Wire and write about it?'
    'Why, would I want to do that, oh wise one?'
    'Because Bryan Appleyard wrote about it last week.'
    'Can't, shan't, won't. You don't know Appleyard. He will be insufferable if he sees me chasing his stories.'

  12. Are you off on a bender Bryan?

  13. Nick posted his comment twice ROFL! Fail.
