Thursday, December 25, 2008

Stand by Me

At Christmas.


  1. That made my morning. Merry Christmas, Bryan.

  2. Hi Bryan,

    This is terrific for me to see and hear. I have a CD by Grandpa Elliott, that I bought from him while he was busking in New Orleans. This was the summer before Katrina hit. I loved it there, it's all a treasured memory that has impacted how I think of us as human beings here on this planet, what we can do, what we can create, and who we are as a collective, what is possible at the grassroots of us in our communities. The food is so good, at every street corner, but music is striking, people who should be playing before crowds of thousands, right there on the street playing for tips and CD sales. And I have been hearing of the devastation there, which includes many artists leaving. But I have been wondering who and what is left, and have not gotten a chance to get back there.

    Well, Merry Christmas, and thank very much. Wow!


  3. Hi Bryan,

    Any chance of an update on the progress of your Arthur de Vany regime?

    Are you still getting lots of benefits or have you fallen off the wagon? Did you miss not having bread sauce or roast potatoes with your turkey on Christmas Day?

    Would be very interested to hear your experiences as I need to do something about my fitness levels and weight - and the de Vany approach is under active consideration!


    PS. I've just got hold of series 4 and 5 of The Wire so lots to look forward to!
