Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Beckett Saves The Planet

I can't think how this escaped my notice back in August. Does it not amount to a tacit admission (from a Green!) that the whole effort to 'save the planet', reduce our 'carbon footprint' etc is a waste of time. Our best planet-saving strategy would be to stay at home, immobile and eating a bare minimum, taking care only to turn the TV off properly when we shuffle wanly off to bed. Ultimately, we'd have a planet inhabited by characters/lifeforms out of Samuel Beckett - but the planet would be saved (which wouldn't please them). Most of us, I fancy, have the feeling that life demands a little more of us. Oh, I don't know though...


  1. Not a bad way of life, this Beckett way; very like my own daily routines save that i don't have a tv, i just sort of stare at the wall.

    However, you're right that it lacks zest & intrigue. May i (humbly) propose that we wage constant war on each other, i'm talking Homeric melee combat, armed with homemade weaponry and thigh bones and half-bricks, every man at war with his neighbour, old scores finally settled in an explosion of blood and gore, corpses left to gorge the wolves and ravens, and finally one man standing, the victor, homo superior, - Dawkins.

  2. More homoerotic than homeric I fancy?

  3. How about a bionically enhanced Hawking as the supreme victor? That would teach us.

  4. I think the obvious conclusion is that the environment is bad for the environment.
