Friday, October 03, 2008

Memories of Mandy

And so he's back, now washed in nostalgic sepia. At some party once Mandelson told me he liked my shoes and asked where I bought them. 'Donna Karan,' I replied. 'Ooo,' he said 'Donna Karan, Donna Karan.' I feel this may help clarify his new cabinet role as Business Secretary. Also he once made me a fine crab salad though I forget why.


  1. The admission of contact With that creature is extremely damaging to your street cred Bryan, best not mention it any more, bad enough that he's been given one more chance to fiddle.

  2. Also he once made me a fine crab salad though I forget why.

    Tricky this. Of course, the answer to that would rather depend on the ingredients.

    Still, I think you got off lightly...

  3. A fiddler crab, obviously.

  4. Oh hello, Grabber, how's it hanging?

  5. Loosely, Bry, loosely. I take it the accompanying photograph is from the attic? I suggest you replace it with one of Emu. Yours from the 'hood, post-prandially ex Julie's

  6. You take one picture - one picture! - in which I look vaguely like Emu and you think you have pinned me down...

  7. Brown is a busted flush, and this smacks of desperation; I'm sure most commentators are shaking their heads tonight. It also has the potential to break the government apart, which could be fun to watch. Yesterday I enjoyed a warm feeling in my vitals as the fingernails of Sir Ian Warwick Blair finally snapped; this sad news rather takes the shine off it.

  8. I'm still not sure whether this is a really, really clever move by Brown, or his final big blunder. At any rate, I'm sure Rory Bremner will be delighted.

  9. Brown should bring Thatcher in, she could occupy some key position and it would certainly be interesting.

  10. Also he once made me a fine crab salad though I forget why.

    Because you were hungry, of course.

    I foresee Mandy achieving national treasure status, against all possible odds. He must have acquired wisdom and perspective and possibly even a spot of dignity by now. (This is about as interested in politics as I get.)

  11. Touched by the Prince from the Dark Side. . .nice. . .

  12. Oh Mandy! You came and you gave (crab salad) without taking,
    and we sent you away.
    Oh Mandy! You kissed (up with Brown) and stopped us from shaking,
    and we need you today!
    Oh Mandy....

  13. His lips suck forth my soul: see, where it flies!
    Come, Mandy, come, give me my soul again.
    Here will I dwell, for heaven is in these lips,
    And all is dross that is not Mandelson.

