Sunday, April 19, 2009

Nailing Balls

Oh good, while I am away you've nailed Balls. Well done, chaps.


  1. Now Balls and Draper are holed beneath the water, we should do all we can to eliminate the pernicious Kevin MacGuire, who is a one man Labour spin machine not so cunnningly disguised as a Political correspondent. He has been all over every broadcast news outlet today, trying to dampen down the Red Rag story and saying the Tories are really in a lot of bother too.

  2. smearers smeared, could get messy.

  3. Satan's house truly is divided against itself, all the demons bickering; and how can it stand?

  4. Nailed him for what? Is there anything in that story except unsubstantiated smears?

    Not to defend Balls, or indeed comment on him at all, it's just that given the recent indignation over McBride surely we should all be primed to realise that this kind of thing is best ignored?

    What a shame to see The Times throwing away journalistic integrity simply to stick the boot in.

  5. So, Johnathan, are you saying the Balls story is a smear? That all of this is smearing? Why then did the PM apologise?
