Don't you just love physicists? Well, no, of course not. But they can be just so damned interesting. Physics is a room full of Peter Mandelsons.
PS It just struck me that, if any of this is true, everybody is wrong about everything.
A blog about, among other things, imaginary ideas - What ifs? and Imagine thats. What if photographs looked nothing like what we see with our eyes? Imagine that the Berlin Wall had never come down. What if we were the punchline of an interminable joke? All contributions welcome.
The more I learn about quantum mechanics, the more I'm convinced it's a set of mathematical constructs pretending to have something to do with reality.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, I'm trying to make it my life's (what's left of it) work to expose it as a load of tosh. Unfortunately, I'm easily ...
Whoo -hoo! There goes a dog with a fluffy tail!
If I can just find an alternative explanation for Young's Double Slit ... Oh, & tunnel diodes ...
There's that dog again.
Decoherence sounds like a total clusterfuck.
ReplyDeleteBiologists are prone to arrogance, physicists to madness.
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens when a simulation tries to examine itself too closely.
ReplyDeleteHere we go again, casting aspersions on us poor electrons, "look at that lot," I hear them snigger, "bombing around, breaking the speed limit, absolutely no mass, dirty little sods, always up and atom, wouldn't want one of them living next door."
ReplyDeleteWell, I've got news for you lot, it ain't us, it's the others, those randy little quarks, bunch of bleedin' Gell-Mannites, slithering around behind your back, playing at being invisible, before you know where you are, wham bang, thank you ma'am.
Wouldn't mind but while this is going on there's always some pervy twat in a white coat peering through a telescope, fiddling with his degausser, drooling all over his apparatus, enough, I say, electrons unite, stick together!!