Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cameron's Sports Bra

I've had a lot of emails complaining that my Sunday Times article on Cameron's intellectuals wasn't on the ST web site. Now it is.


  1. I suspect that you'll now receive a lot of emails complaining that your Sunday Times article on Cameron's intellectuals is on the ST website.

  2. I need time to properly read & digest this article (to be more exact, its implications). But I like the cut of its jib & the nub of its gist.

    Whatever, bloody excellent piece.

  3. You won't like my column on Sunday. It's about God or the absence thereof

  4. Just to say that when I talk about middlebrow columnists I don't mean you Bryan. I've always thought of you as upperbrow or at the very least upper-middle brow, and I hope you think the same of me.
