Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Full-On Lie as Cover

I am told that the job of 'ex-spy' is a popular cover used by spies these days. In the same way, 'green shoots of recovery' is a popular cover for ever worsening economic climate.


  1. Balls' performance on the Today programme this morning confirms that the full-on lie has now emerged as fully-fledged political tactic. Shameless and unscrupulous.

    At least the little white lies, untruths, mis-speakings, economies with the truth, etc. all recognised that vice still owed some homage to virtue.

  2. Gaw, I wouldn't have thought that Balls, Brown and that smiling buffoon, Liam Byrne, would understand what you are talking about. They would just describe Francois de la Rochefoucald as another "toff, who doesn't understand the problems facing ordinary people". I mean the man was a Prince and a Duke.


  3. I am not sure that Byrne would understand.. Perhaps?
