Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Demise of the Arctic Fox

I just saw Karl Rove on Fox News saying Sarah Palin was a great choice but, anyway, the Veep candidate didn't make much difference. The Arctic Fox won't last until November.


  1. If she is, then mob rule will carry the day. I'm prepared to wager £100 that Palin is still on the ticket on election day, barring death or dismemberment of course.

  2. Hold your horses there Bryan- she hasn't even given a speech yet. And considering that Obama is a manifestation of psychosis, that Biden plagiarised Neil Kinnock and thought it would be a really good idea to partition Iraq and McCain is... well, McCain... she kinda fits into the whole wacky scenario as it is developing rather nicely.

  3. Regarding Biden, I find the idea that anyone would nick Neil Kinnock's material simply astounding... a bit like plagiarising Ed Balls, or Edwina Currie, or Gordon Brown, or George W. Bush, or Britney Spears, or Jade Goody, or Basil Brush. Mind you, he does come from Delaware, which is an utterly pointless state the size of a postage stamp. A life spent there could do damage to even the sharpest mind.

  4. I've not heard Palin say anything yet and the Huffington's and other liberal-feminist leaning organs are doing their best to destroy her. Funny old world.

  5. I've just heard she believes the Earth was created 6,000 years ago. Fantastic! Mccain will no doubt die two weeks in and we'll have another evangelical nut in charge.

  6. I'm sure Susan will know the answer. Hope she swoops in soon to give us the SP on this strange woman, who distinctly reminds me of Margaret Thatcher or Shirley Porter - evangelical beyond womanhood.

  7. Hey, Maxine -- I love the faith you have in me! All I know about Palin (thus far), I said on some other post, either on this site or sweet Nige's. I think she can give a kick-*ss speech and she WILL energize many conservatives. However, she will turn off many others, because Alaskans are extreme and she is an Alaskan: Guns, babies, and oil pipelines. A hundred years ago it was Gold Rush, sled dogs, and dead adventurers.

    Read some Jack London and you'll get a feel for the kind of scary pioneer spirit still extant in Alaska.

    I do think she'll make our loveliest president ever, however, should McCain kick off during his term (not all that remote a possibility as he's in his 70s and a cancer and prison camp survivor!). As long as Cindy McCain doesn't become president, I'm cool.....
