Sunday, September 14, 2008

Super Symmetry

Inspired, I don't doubt, by moi - no shame in that - Will Hutton links 2008 to 1979 and the power of financiers now to the power of the unions then. This symmetry is becoming an orthodoxy.


  1. Thatcher was the trade unions nemesis, whence the usurers ?

  2. Did I miss it, did the world collapse? The banks lost $500 billion, a nationalsed system of mortgage finance was officially nationalised, a few private banks went belly up, What Mutton is suggesting is state corporatism, talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

  3. A yes, hahaha. When it does become an orthodoxy, I expect there'll be articles pointing out that there isn't really any symmetry between the brothers and the bankers, and that the press are giving us one of Mr Taleb's narrative fallacies. Everyone seems to be proposing yesterday's solutions to today's problems.
