Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Jeff is Everywhere

In a column in The Irish Times on the subject of the Pope's views of hell, Patsy McGarry writes of Dante's vision, 'At its core of nine circles resides the arch-traitor himself, Lucifer, weeping as he relentlessly chews on the bodies of three other traitors, Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. With Jeffrey Archer nowhere to be seen.' Again I am forced to ask: what can this mean?


  1. Perhaps what I've long suspected: that there is indeed a tenth circle of Hell?

  2. You may or may not know this, but Jeff turned up in Dublin last weekend and appeared on the Late,Late Show to publicise his gospel. He wasn't given an easy time, you'll be glad to hear. A jounalist in the audience who had read the infernal thing accused him of being an oleaginous toad, a second-rate writer and a money-grabbing swine (to paraphrase). Put it this way, he let rip. Jeff took it on the chin though and smiled that winning smile of his.

    Anyway, it seems the man is always one step ahead of you, Bryan. I'm sure your paths will cross some day - a Reichenbach Falls scenario, perhaps. Not to suggest, of course, that Jeff is your intellectual equal. But he does have a fiendish quality of sorts.

  3. Don't worry about me, Neil, I can do fiendish. Beneath this mild-mannered exterior....

  4. He's in wonderful form, especially at the beginning when he talks of a 'blessing' and being 'guided'. It's almost as though there are greater forces at work.

  5. Thankfully, I get an 'unknown data format' error. I doubt I'll try to resolve it.
