Thursday, February 19, 2009

RBS Idiots

If your views of bankers are in danger of mellowing, you should read this letter sent to Nick Cohen in response to his article in the Standard. 'RBS, however, wasn't full of idiots - they were just concentrated in the executive management.'


  1. My general theory of business is simple, The bigger the organisation the more inefficient they are, the problem is if this Guy was moved into executive management he would become a idiot too.(probably)

    Most (not all) large companies are just cash cows that everyone one way or another wants to suck on for as long as possible.

  2. One thing Nick didn't mention in his article, or wasn't told about, was the sheer number of Freddities on the loose in Gogarburn I checked again with our mole and he assures me that altough the culture of shutyergoboryeroot was the overriding concern and dictated the approach to the daily task, the joint was riddled with Fred wannabees, now of course, especially to journalists the coro is..
    It wasna us
    It wasna us
    It was some others
    Sounds vaguely familiar old bean, what.

  3. What 'passer by' said. In spades.

    All large companies are merely on the way to becoming small companies, it's merely that, like a stopping supertanker, their sheer mass gives the impression that their is some man-made motive force behind their continuing momentum

  4. Sorry about the appalling English - 'merely' x2, their/there - in that last post,I shall shut-up. Again.
