Saturday, June 23, 2007

Do Not Stand Up to the French

Sublime headline in the Guardian. Blair's final humiliation is to be told by Brown to stand up to the French. Does he not realise what happens when you stand up to the French? Sex, if not something much worse.


  1. I always marvel at where they get their info. Does a Brown aide call up and tell them this is what his boss is doing?

  2. 'Does he not realise what happens when you stand up to the French? Sex, if not something much worse.'

    For once, Bryan, you have lost me with this one. And what's more, I am happy to remain lost.

  3. I go through periods of meaninglessness, Chip. t's usually Saturday when it happens.

  4. I don't understand how Brown will be the left's saviour when he's so free-market orientated. According to Simon Jenkins he's even more Thatcherite then Blair.
    Either it's just a front or the socialists and Toynbees will be in for a nasty shock.

  5. It seems to me that Toynbee has spent a lifetime reveling in one nasty shock after another.

  6. She is very shockable. It's what makes her such a delight.
