Saturday, June 23, 2007

Nature Notes

Calling all arachnophobes - these beauties are taking over. In my house, no other form of long-legged life survives (apart from myself - tho sometimes I wonder...). They have made short work of the (much larger)house spiders and much else, ruthlessly establishing an arachnid monoculture. And it's not just my house - it's happening all over the country apparently, and no one seems to know why. Let's hope it's nothing personal...


  1. Darn - I've gone and killed all the arachnophobes. Please don't sue. Meanwhile, this eloquent map demonstrates the onward eight-legged march of the Daddy Long Legs Spider. They're probably already working on a Moon mision.

  2. Its Global Warming! Haven't you learned the drill by now?

  3. Funny you should mention this, Nige, as I noticed the same thing was happening under the eaves of my house (in California). One spider they probably won't get, however, is the 6" monster one of my cats called my attention to one evening while it was crawling along a windowsill. Have no idea what it was, but it was hairless and thus not a tarantula. While the average spider causes me no great concern, I do not look forward to ever meeting this one again.

    Contrary to what Duck says, I blame them (and it) on George W. Bush. Call it the revenge of the Iraqnophobes.

  4. Global Warming is Bush's fault, so you're right on the mark.

  5. Of course - global warming! How could that have slipped my mind?
    As for that monster, Ronin - I reckon those Daddy Long Legs boys wld finish him off if there were enough of them. But it does sound truly scary - somehow a bald spider is a nastier prospect than a hairy one...

  6. I have a favourite Spoider which spins rapidly if aopproached by a finger. It is much more interesting than a blank wall
