Friday, June 22, 2007

Ponder Post 1

Inspired by Samizdata's discussion points which consist of one-line posts intended to provoke deep thought - and, in particular, by this one - I have decided to steal the idea with a series of Ponder Posts. I shall begin with an easy one - what is the meaning of life?


  1. Cliff, the postman in Cheers, used to say it was shoes.

  2. Meaning.

    don't think anyone's come up with that yet, but it'll probably turn out that some drunk Taoism from the 11th Century has once again pre-empted me, and i must bow my head in the shame of unintentional plagiarism.

  3. Oh please, ask something challenging.

    42, of course.

  4. I thought there was some dispute about 42.

  5. (aka Ranulp Oh)

    I don't think so - the answer was never in question, it was only the question that was ... err ... in question.

  6. Ah quite. I think you are well on your way to being an internet guru. I always wanted to be a community leader myself.

  7. LTLFTP - As far as I'm concerned you already are.

    That's one of the many things about the internet that I love - anyone can aspire to anything. The problems come when too many think they've arrived just because they can broadcast their opinions.

    A megaphone does not a pedagogue make (had to raid to reach the required level for this blog ;)

  8. 42?! did someone post 42?!!! (sigh) I'm going to go down to the river and drown.

    a river is analogous to life: you can never step into the same one twice.

  9. As my good friend Nige once sagely observed, you can't step into the same river once.

  10. 15 years, if you keep your bib clean.

  11. Have none of you guys got a dictionary?

  12. In some cases, life should mean life.

  13. the meaning of life appears to be a quest for the meaning of life. Personally I don't get it, I mean, you don't step on a rollercoaster because it's going somewhere.

    but you can step on the same rollercoaster twice.

  14. have I just compared some Zen wisdom to Ronan Keating? I think buddha woulda approved.

  15. I like that one, Ian. The meaning of life is to find the meaning of life.

  16. Ronan Keating finally gets a mention! I've been wondering how long it would take... As the Wise One said, Life is a rollercoaster, you just gotta ride it. Amen.

    J Cheever Loophole

  17. Silly question. As any fule know if you seek the answer you will never find it. Other than in a Yamaha TDM 900 of course.

    So the meaning turns up or not as the case may be. There's simply nuffink we can about it and therefore no need to worry. As the man said, "Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water; after enlightenment, chop wood and carry water." Or should that be, "Chop coke and drink firewater." Oh well, it's Friday ...

  18. The meaning of life (insofar as the question relates to purpose) is, as I learned in catechism class, "to be fruitful, and multiply; fill the earth, and subdue it". Job nearly done then...especially the last bit. What now God?

  19. What's the sense of having a universe if there's nothing sentient to enjoy it?

  20. Batting for a draw with six wickets down on the last afternoon on a turning pitch.

  21. Chocolate. High quality chocolate.

  22. suO9lx You have a talant! Write more!

  23. rN4yO3 Nice Article.
