Thursday, May 24, 2007

Episcopal News

Good to see the absurd Bishop of Southwark back in the news. His somewhat erratic journey home from a reception at the Irish Embassy did much for the gaiety of the nation - and gifted the drinkers among us with a splendid new catchphrase: 'I'm the Bishop of Southwark, it's what I do' (this when he was chucking toys out of a car - not usually regarded as part of a bishop's job - but times change).


  1. It would have to be the Irish Embassy.

  2. A Southwark motorcar and driver, for god sake. Thats why you have them. Who, that sips more than a thimblefull has not encountered the oxygen wall on stepping outside a crowded reception.

  3. Yet more evidence that God doesn't exist. It really is all around us.

  4. On the contrary, Peter, not only clear evidence that her exists but also that he has a sense of humour.

  5. seriously, he was just drinking water. how could he guess some bastard would turn it to wine?

    no, it was those bloody Irish, all catholics to a man, it's them with the sense of humour. how they must have laughed to see the proddy priest go on his way!

  6. The bish is a man and as such, is liable to foolishness. WHICH OF YOU has not thought ' there but for the grace of God go I.

  7. His grace proved he was a man, but he wasn't ''the man''. Who of us would deny he'd had a good night out on the bevvy? own up, apologise and get on with the job...

  8. This business puts me in mind of the Portugalade incident in that comic masterpiece, Augustus Carp Esq By Himself. Which happens to be readable on the web, if you can stand reading that way...
