Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Feast of Appleyard

The good news is, this site has seen a 50 per cent increase in traffic in the last few days; the bad news is that this blog is not responsible. The new hits are all on my Selected Articles. This is due to some very kind references on big American blogs - notably Life After the Oil Crash. In response to this gratifying surge, I am now embarked on a programme of adding many new articles, notably recent ones. I have been neglecting this task. So join the fun, roll up and fill your boots from a new treasure trove of Bryanisms.


  1. It's all about you, isn't it?

  2. It's only a matter of time, Bryan, before you're so famous that, after enjoying the amenities in a restaurant, you'll need to remove the toilet-seat to stop people selling it on Ebay.

  3. I've got one here - cheap - if you're interested.

  4. these American blogs recognise your worth as a cultural commentator, or your 'raging phallus power' as i believe they call it over there.

  5. Great stuff and thanks too. The line breaks are pretty jumbled in two I've seen - on Clive James and E.O. Wilson. Maybe it's just my browser not displaying things correctly or maybe the text files need a scrub. Just guessing.

  6. 'raging phallus power' as i believe they call it over there.

    Huh? Never heard of such a thing. Maybe it is an East Coast expression. Perhaps Sue will look in soon and confirm that.

  7. raging phallus power is also sometimes known as 'hegemony', it's a Lit Theory sort of thing. i don't really understand it.

  8. Thanks, Mark, I know about the messy line breaks on some of the articles. I shall sort it out asap

  9. You've clearly been on the receiving end of too much ideological collateral damage as a result of academic immersion in proto-feminist critiques of inter-gender emasculation literary texts, Elberry.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I might add, Elberry, I'm surprised with your background in post-strucuralism that you are apparently unaware that Djerridoux put to bed the syntactic validity of "raging phallus power" back in the early 70s. Djerridoux suggested, I believe, "subjective hormonal drive syndrome," though this a somewhat clumsy translation from the French(though Djerridoux was, of course, a Walloon).

  12. i believe Kristeva refuted the neo-liminalist Late Capitalist/meta-narrative slave hegemonic pretentions of onto-genetic recapitulations re: raging phallus power, in her seminal but not semen-encrusted work "The Raging Phallus: A Review", back in 2005, but perhaps recent post-structuralists have explored the issue since then.

  13. Ah, hegemony! Thanks, elberry, that I understand.

  14. Wait a second... you write articles??!!

  15. On the side, Tom, nothing serious

  16. I believe in a rather convoluted & disguised manner, you are trying to use that old infamous Heidelberg Gambit, Elberry. Either you are being disngenuous, which I hope, or else I shudder to think of the standard of an English university education. The Heidelberg Gambit, of course, was scornfully swatted aside by the afore-mentioned Djerridou a month later at the annual Hegelian confernece in Rennes:
    "Legitimation of the established order, by the language structure, presupposes social recognition of the legitimacy of the same structure, a recognition resting in turn on misrecognition of the delegation of authority which establishes that legitimacy, or, more precisely, on misrecognition of the social conditions of a harmony between structures and habitus sufficiently perfect to engender misrecognition of the habitus as a product reproducing what produces it and correlative recognition of the structure of the order thus reproduced.

  17. "I believe in a rather convoluted & disguised manner, you are trying to use that old infamous Heidelberg Gambit, Elberry"

    Your raging phallus power has torn aside my flimsy post-structuralist Heidelberg Gambit.

    i bow my head.

  18. I thank the categorical imperative that you concede, Elberry. I was a fraid you were going to trot out the tragic-comic attempt by MacDonald to counter Djerridou-"the Highland Fling" as it became known. Tragic in the sense that it made MacDonald an academic laughing-stock, but comic as it was such a comical piece. How did it go again....something along the lines of "the linguistic meta-structural narrative device presupposes the hermetic insularity of its own nature thus according itself an innate semantic infallibility." Unreal. MacDonald incidentally blew his brains out in a cable-car near Bergen, Norway.

  19. Thanks to this link, I ran across your profile in The Independent Bryan. You probably mentioned it when it came out but I overlooked it (that was about the time my dad died so I bet I didn't even see it). Anyway, just wanted to say that your experience with others wanting to pigeonhole you really hit home. When I was very young, within a span of about 2 years, I was publicly branded as a communist and later as
    a right-wing reactionary. All I did in both cases was ask inconvenient questions.

    Some would take that as a hint to stop asking questions, but I figured I must be doing something right and just asked more.
