Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Nige Gives The Public What They Want

Sensing a sudden resurgence of interest in butterflies - and not having anything else on what remains of my mind (I am absent again from that endelssly stimulating hub of world affairs, the Nigecorp HQ)- I must yield to overwhelming public demand and reveal that yesterday, walking in the Surrey hills, I was privileged to see so many of these beauties sailing majestically through the air and 'nectaring' on the buddleia bushes, that I gave up counting them. I also saw four of this much better known beauty, which has been far from common this year.
Just in case there are some who regard my butterfly fixation as some kind of old-fangled English eccentricity, I draw your attention to this great man's aurelian activities (see section 4). His insistence on the microscopic comparison of genitalia is touching and characteristic.


  1. are these not bugs? are we obsessed with superficial beauty?

  2. Is there an insight to be had here about Nabokov's genitalia, or are we still talking abut butterflies?


  3. I think, Nige, you will awake to find you are a butterfly dreaming you are a Nige.

  4. Your comment on famed lepidopterist Nabokov reminds me a similar tale about famed doctor Sigmund Freud. He spent one very frustrating year as a medical student in Trieste cutting up eels. He was trying to find their genitalia to figure out which was the male, which the female, and how it was they mated and made babies.

    The genitalia never revealed themselves and Freud left hard medicine for psychology, where hidden truths need not be tangible to be real.

  5. But did he poach the leftover eels in a herb broth? I think we should be told.

  6. Okay, no more recipes. I'll go hide under a rock and not comment if that's what you wish.....

  7. Now, Susan, don't be like that. I am, in fact, intrigued by the possibility of a continuing food theme and you have not come back on the halibut question I posed under Tomatoes and Milk.

  8. Recipes

    I strongly recommend 'Cooking with Ferna Branca' by Paterson Hamilton. Even has a recipe for alien pie which ought to appeal to you Bryan.

  9. I'm deeply worried by the phrase ' a Nige' implying a veritable host of Niges. I don't think the world is ready.

  10. You're damn right there, David.
