Friday, July 13, 2007

Forward to the Past

Good quiz this, I managed to get humanity through to the seventeenth century. It's probably where I belong. 


  1. Apparently, I could be somewhat "technologically useful." I would consider changing the direction of my life as a result, but suspect that I would gravitate towards the low end of the scale provided me, and end up living in the 17th century flat below Bryan.

  2. 8 out of 10. I'm also technologically useful, though I could do with knowing what I got wrong. I'd hate to think I've been vulcanising rubber the wrong way all these years.

  3. Professional hazard in your line of work I imagine, Chip.

  4. Stone me - 7 out of 10 - almost made it to the 19th century. Something wrong surely...

  5. I am delighted to say, unbeliever in a belief in materialistic progress as I am(in the words of Mr Pelevin, "Progress is a propulsion technique where we have to constantly push ourselves away from the point we occupied a moment ago"), I managed to propel us a grand total of one century into the future dimension.

  6. Shamefully low score. Suffice to say, it was around the time we last experienced global warming.

  7. I'd have us back in the (English) Renaissance. Was a jolly good time for literature, though!

  8. 15th Century for me, with 5/10!

  9. There were questions about practical stuff. Mixing things, heating them up, letting them cool down, etc etc. Yawn.

  10. 15th C for me too, Gordon, and i only got Bs in all my science GCSEs 15 years ago. Shame, sir.

  11. I got 6 out of 10, but I have to say who cares. Talk about useless knowledge. First it is highly unlikely that I will get sent back in time to a point where people don't know how to make vulcanized rubber and second it is highly unlikely that everyone in the world will forget how to make vulcanized rubber and come looking to me for the solution. Much more useful knowledge would be how do you hook up a Tivo and which web sites should be checked each day.
