Saturday, July 14, 2007


... watch it and weep.


  1. oh God, i couldn't even make it through to the end. Hutton comments wisely on this at

    Blair was quite simply the worst British Prime Minister since Vlad the Impaler, and Vlad the Impaler wasn’t even a British Prime Minister. History will record that when Blair left office a four-year old wept, while everyone else wanted to tear him limb from limb.

  2. I have not the slightest doubt what is going on here. This supposed child is in reality Cherie; those wicked technical wizards who create the illusions for Doctor Who have been at it again.

  3. Clearly he's been 'grooming' that one...

  4. "Out of the mouths of babies...................."

    A tad over the top I'm sure, but as a good cavalier she can see the puritan armies coming over the hill, led by our new Lord Protector Broon.

    Hey, Elberry, stop dissing Vlad. What would you do in your Wallachian fastness if 50,000 Ottoman Janisseries came marching round the bend?

  5. Quick, somebody buy her some Tintin books to take her mind off it.

  6. it reminds me of that film "peeping tom". get the social workers in to clear out the nest.

  7. Ah, gone are the days when parents would just embarrass their young 'uns with naked portraits of baby...of course, entirely illegal now! - as should this be. yuk! where's the blessed kitten page?
