Saturday, July 07, 2007

On Tennis and Women in Particular

Ah so Venus Williams has beaten Marion Bartoli. I have nothing to say about this nor about tennis in general. It is a game so palpably suffering from cricket-envy that it is just too embarrassing to contemplate. Furthermore, no red blooded male can take any interest in women's tennis since Maria Sharapova lost her looks. My own favourite tennisista has always been Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario solely because her name sounds exactly like a car crash even down to the final gasp - 'o!' - of the passers-by.


  1. Le tour is the thing. At least, one can imagine that there is an outside chance of participation at some level. And that can include being on the same road/town, in the dim and distant.

  2. Sharapova and Kournikova are for wimps. Real men vote for Graf and Sabatini.

  3. The women players now wear shorts under their skirts. What's the point of that?

  4. Does nobody remember Rosie Casals? She even gets a mention in one of Martin Amis's novels somewhere. Dwarfish, sturdy, ferocious, strangely alluring...
