Monday, February 25, 2008

The Blog Brain Reels...

I am in Norfolk. It is a dazzlingly beautiful day and an alien has appeared in my back garden. You may remember I saw a flying saucer at this location while under hypnosis. Plainly I was not as deluded as I thought I was. The creature appears to be hybernating while standing. This is all too much. The blog brain reels and goes offline.
PS That thing really did just appear, nothing to do with me or anybody I know.


  1. I'd be careful, Bryan. This could be the start of something. It's sinister in the extreme. Put it in a plastic bag and store it somewhere safe.

  2. it is a rugrat, is it not? It is the equivalent of a horse's head in the bed - you shouldn't have said those awful (and untrue) things about americans...

  3. Delia 'once a canary, always a canary' Smith's aggresive fan recruitment tour reaches North Norfolk where she disturbs rural calm and balance of mind of London blogger by shouting "Where are you? Where are you? Let's be having you? Come on!"

  4. Don't do it Jeffrey, it's a fine blog. Appleyard's just jealous.

  5. Its definitely a rugrat - but it may be experiencing an extended 'fantasy sequence' -in which case stand well back!

  6. OMG, it's a rugrat! Are you pregnant, Bryan?

  7. Not quite sure I follow the logic of that, Susan. Is a rugrat - or alien - left at random in your garden an omen of pregnancy? If so, I might try it on my elderly neighbours.

  8. It looks like 'Dil' Pickles to me, so I don't think it will be a problem. Now, if it was Invader Zim...

  9. He looks just like Gazza and I suspect he's feeling about the same way.

  10. Rugrats = crawling babies; in your yard = portent of pregnancy. But it ain't funny if I have to explain it!

  11. Heehee -- Bryan won't get it, Frank, but I do!

  12. Former (bald) editor of the newspaper Frank and I both worked for. He made quite a few enemies during his time with us, mainly because his mission seemed to be that of Axman. Oddly, he also managed to overhire after overfiring -- 'twas the cause of his own demise.

  13. No, no, Bryan, it really was me on the 'phone, asking whether you fancied a pint in the Windsor Castle. Anyway, now I know what happened to my Tellytubbie, you burgling swine...
