Friday, July 06, 2007

And Incidentally...

... 'Lord' Archer suddenly emitted no less than three posts yesterday. Get over there and fill your boots with Jeffisms. Also, he seems to be a bit low on comments...


  1. ...he certainly makes up for it in jollies. I reckon he goes to bed in his dinner jacket.

  2. My comments (who I was up at Oxford with) never get accepted over there. Yet when I recently attended a charity testimonial to save Mike Brearley’s middle stump from wood rot, Jeffrey told me that I was a most impressive young man and promised to work tirelessly to get my comments published. He also told me that Mary was your number one fan, Bryan.

  3. Ah yes, the fragrant Mary. That takes me back....

  4. I love the way you put that... "'Lord' Archer suddenly emitted no less than three posts yesterday."

    Sort of like an ill-mannered dinner guest might emit something. :D

  5. Anyway I left a comment on Jeff's blog:

    "I was under the impression that convicted felons were not permitted to be in the cabinet. Am I mistaken?"

    What are the odds of it getting through moderation?

  6. if i wasn't banned from blogspot sites at work i'd instantly send the poor chap some of my friendly & healthy comments. i shall do so at home instead.

    The trick is to write something apparently harmless & friendly, but to then conclude each comment: "that's what I learned in prison, anyway" or "so they found me covered in jam and infested wtih fleas", or "by the way, is it true that you have rickets?" etc.

  7. I could almost be persuaded it was self-parody. it reads like high-society somnambulism with good manners - there isn't a faintly provocative word posted that would elicit a comment. I could follow the form and just say I like ur gr8 books, long live u but I haven't read any.

    I assume he's not after comments, not really a blogger in the modern spirit, merely an old-fashioned diarist. and jolly good luck to him, I say!

  8. I once wrote him a glowing comment which contained a less than glowing acrostic. Even that didn't get accepted. I think my picture must his people off. I'll must try it again sometime.

  9. i've put two boo-ya comments on to cheer him up. i must say it's hard work reading his stuff in order to think of a vaguely relevant comment.

  10. he hasn't approved them, perhaps my repeated use of the word 'clean' alerted him...
