Friday, September 14, 2007

Amanda Among the Paedophiles

Further to my post mentioning Britney's bad vid, - now withdrawn from YouTube sadly - you might like to read Amanda's thoughts on the matter. Particularly amusing are the ensuing comments about paedophiles. They say Britney's fuller figure offends men with paedophile tendencies who preferred young, fresh Brit. I'm not sure how young a girl has to appear to qualify as paedophile fodder, but I'm pretty sure Britney prancing around in a school uniform was not a sexually neutral gesture. Amanda and her friends, if they really were the hard-line feminists they claim to be, would be directing their venom against the media's toying with paedophile fantasies, not against leering male predators. But I don't want to fall into the trap of taking Amanda Marcotte seriously. She is such a joy.


  1. paedophilia and uniforms are two different fetishes. I'm probably gay but Britney looks too boyish for my tastes (that's almost contradictory, I know, but sexuality is a complex thing), and I have a problem with androgyny. So, I find it strange that Amanda describes BS's image as being fertile and hot.

    But at least she isn't an absolutist - only 99.9% of men are affected in her hypothesis and I love being in a minority.

  2. Are paedophiles known to be easily offended or vexed by the fact that children grow up and become adults? I wouldn't have thought so. I'd say they probably just accept it. Par for the course really. Of course, I have no tendencies whatsoever, paedophilic or otherwise. In fact, imagery such as Britney prancing around in school uniform makes me want to do things like descale my kettle or tidy my sock drawer.

  3. Are you saying you get sexual gratification from these tasks, Neil?

  4. Amanda: Which is why people are violently rejecting her for having grown up, even though she is still quite lovely and probably much more fertile than at the height of her popularity. The sniggering cultural fascination was all about driving home the point to American women that every ounce of experience or intelligence you possessed was so very unattractive.

    My, but she does leave herself wide open, doesn't she? Surely it would be caddish to take advantage, so shouldn't we all just chip in and get her a gig on MTV?

  5. Fear not, Bryan - you can still relive the magic on traffic-desperate MTV's website.

  6. Hardly, Ian. That would be just too odd (to admit). I'm just a regular guy, really. That is to say, 99% of what goes on in my mind stays in there and by a happy coincidence the 1% that doesn't happens to conform quite nicely to the prevailing social mores of the times we live in.

  7. I now have an image of a head shaped game of Pong - quite possibly plagiarised from an episode of the Simpsons.

    Still, 99% of what goes on in my mind is static, white noise and incoherent interference.

  8. Awfully well-directed static, ian. That Perpignan line was a scream.
