Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Lost Server 2

Sadly - I don't mean this - the heartbroken, drunken, Northern Rock-depositing server finally took the honourable course of action, tied a southern rock round his neck and flung himself into the Thames just west of Hammersmith. I am now, cyberwonks tell me, on several different servers. This should mean fewer 'outages'. We shall see. Abnormal service will now be resumed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hope that problems are sorted now.

    I'd guess the earlier problem about the site being invisible to you while others could see it may have been down to dns problems. The site is moved to a (virtual) server with an different IP address, but some PCs are slower to get the news than others or rely on a stale dns cache. But with PCs, who knows ...

  3. Deleted my earlier comment for improper use of the English language, with which I have only a passing familiarity given my American heritage. In its stead, I offer this tardy submission for the earlier boat picture caption contest:

    Boat used by errant server euthanized after inoperable injuries suffered when newly submerged Northern Rock struck.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It serves you right. This is what happens when you try to attract people with promises of Madonna's tongue you can't possibly fulfill.
