Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Most Dangerous Place in the World Caption


  1. Agency to re-print sign after missing 'DANGER: Plutonium Residue', 'WARNING: Decomposing Donkeys', and 'ALERT: After being dragged out, gargle with 'Honeydew Mouthwash', Principal Sponsor of Norfolk tourism; you know it makes sense'

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks to a grant from the National Heritage Fund for new signage, Cley looks set for an exciting future as a landmark destination for suicide tourism. Before embarking the the white-water ride of a lifetime, visitors can enjoy the Unhappy Eater, the Traveller's Doom hotel (ungrounded electric blankets £10 extra), Maggots B&B (complimentary glass of organic embalming fluid on arrival), El Cadáver tapas bar and the Seppuku, a Japanese restaurant that offers fine dying with a choice of exclusive carving knives.

  4. I like the idea of suicide tourism - cheaper, no return tickets.

  5. The finest sign-watching site in the country, where these and many other signs from all across East Anglia, regularly gather before migrating.
