Saturday, September 08, 2007

Read Me on Almodovar or Matt Damon Gets It

I may not be in posting mode tomorrow morning so I must instruct you in advance to read my interview with Pedro Almodovar in The Sunday Times otherwise Matt Damon gets shot at Waterloo Station. My friends who operate Echelon will be checking on your browsing activity. (I can't help feeling they may have something to do with current developments in Portugal.) Almodovar is a name I still have trouble mastering. It reminds me of the great Benny Hill. He once said he knew how to spell Antonioni, he just didn't know when to stop.


  1. I love Pedro A.! Can't wait to see your interview online. But I think his name is easy: It ends on the hard stop of "VAR." Those Italian names keep gliding.

  2. But we want Matt Damon to get shot - at least I do.

  3. Nige took the words right off my keyboard.
